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2023/24 Board of Directors

The Shepparton Foodshare Annual General Meeting was held on November 15, 2023.  Along with the formalities of an AGM, these annual meetings are a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the achievements, milestones and the challenges that have been overcome during the past year. There were many of each of these in the past 12 months!

Our Board of Directors for the next 12 month was elected, and we are pleased to introduce you to them.

Re-elected as Chair was Jeremy Rensford, Deputy Chair Jim O’Connor and Secretary Damian (Will) Willoughby.  We welcomed newly elected Treasurer Russell Smith (taking over from retiring Treasurer Mat Todd).  Re-elected as Board Directors were Roly Hunt, Peter Thompson, Cheryl Hammer, Jan Phillips, Trish Vigliaturo and Tom Brain (via proxy).

We are certainly in safe hands with the depth of knowledge and expertise that our wonderful skills-based board bring to the table providing strong governance as we look to the year ahead with plans for our new purpose-built food distribution centre plans coming to fruition and building set to commence in the new year.

We sincerely thank outcoming Treasurer Mat Todd for his support on the board since 2020 and his expertise in finance as our Treasurer.  Mat was one of the driving forces in Shepparton Foodshare implementing new accounting software that will help sustain our service as we grow.  Mat has also retired from the Board so we wish thank him and wish him well.

Pictured from left is Jan Phillips, Peter Thompson, Cheryl Hammer, Mat Todd (retiring board member), Jeremy Rensford (Chair), Trish Vigliaturo, Roly Hunt, Russell Smith (new Treasurer), Jim O’Connor (Deputy Chair) and Damien Willoughby (Secretary).

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